Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting the right amount of protein

Protein is a vital nutrient that is easy to get when you eat animals. As a vegan, getting the right amount of protein hasn't been as hard as you might think. Tofu, legumes (beans, of any kind), Tempeh, Seitan, and Quinoa are all good sources of protein. Wanna-be meats, which is what I call "mock meats" are usually overloaded with sodium, and sugars. While they are a good alternative to new vegetarians, once you've really started to care about what goes into your mouth - you become keenly aware that they are not the best source for a meal.

You've heard it before, eat as raw as possible. Get as many vegetables into your system, eat food that hasn't been adulterated by man. The fewer hands that have been on it, the better it will be for your overall health. Also, you've heard this before, the more colorful the vegetable - the better it is for you, so go for the rich greens, yellow's, oranges and reds.

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